View/Edit Fixed Asset

The View/Edit Fixed Asset screen lets you update fixed asset details. You can update general details, purchase details and add attachments, if any. This screen is identical to the Add Fixed Asset screen, except all the previously entered information will appear. There are a few additional tabs - Contract, Funding, Maintenance, and History.


  1. Click on the Assets -> View Assets.
  2. The View Assets screen will appear. Select/Search for the Fixed asset and click the Asset Tag link or the Edit button.

  1. The screen will navigate to the Fixed Asset - View/Edit Asset screen.

  1. The View/Edit Asset screen has the following tabs:

Note on Custom Fields: Users can edit the read-only custom fields if their role has Edit Read Only Fields permission. The “Edit Read Only fields” permission is given to a role by the App administrator or the user who has administrator rights. Refer to the topic Edit Read Only Fields for more details. 

Note: When using Geo location services from Desktop or Laptop computers or any other device that does not have built-in GPS hardware or a clear fix on satellites in the Sky, Google Maps will attempt to find an approximate address based on your Network and/or other attributes. This is just an approximation. For better results, use an iOS or Android Mobile Device with GPS outdoors, preferably on a sunny day or clear night. (Rain may also affect accuracy somewhat.)


The Google Map will appear if the Google API Key is validated in the Google Maps API Key screen.

Once you update all the fields, click on the Save button. The screen will navigate to the View Assets screen.