Zebra TC20 RFID Device

Note: The RFID features depend on the user purchasing a license for the RFID AddOn. To activate this feature, contact your Wasp representative. The tenant must have the RFID AddOn License and the user role must have permission (Users> Roles> Permissions> Mobile RFID Config).


Scan Parsing Rule

RFID Configuration Rule


Note - Android MC3300 and TC20 RFID Devices MUST use RFID Reader: ‘Zebra TC20 RFID Reader’


Scan Parsing Rule

The following Scan Parsing Configuration XML is for the Zebra TC20 RFID Device. it will work for most of the RFID tags in ASCII format.   

Note: The Zebra Android RFID scanner parses out most of the ASCII RFID tags when the Position is 0, Length is 64 and Conversion is 0. For Hex barcode RFID tags - the conversion tag should be set to 1 as shown here: <Conversion>1</Conversion>

  1. Click on the Mobility > Scan Parsing Configuration.
  2. Enter the following Scan Parsing Rule.


  <Rule Name="Asset Rule 1">



      <Length />


      <Character />



    <Fields NumberofFields="1">

      <Field Field_ID="Field 1">


        <!--  Repeater refers to the character that is repetitive and padded along with

                      actual data. mode refers whether padding is at the beginning or at the end.-->

        <Repeater mode="prefix">0</Repeater>

        <Delimiter />



        <!-- If tag value is in hex, convert it into ASCII

                    Conversion will be done if this tag is set to 1-->


        <Prefix />

        <Postfix />






  1. Save the Rule.
  2. Follow the steps described in the topic - Steps to use RFID in Mobile Application.


RFID Configuration Rule

  1. Click on the Mobility > RFID Configuration.
  2. Click on the dropdown arrow next to RFID Configuration. Select the Zebra TC20 RFID Rule.
  3. Enter the following rule.

Note: The Device Type for Zebra TC20 is set as "RFD2000".

<Device type="RFD2000" profile="Zebra WareHouse">

  <!-- To be enhanced to include more connection types like Bluetooth Connection, UART, RS232, ... based on examples -->

  <Connection type="ZebraConnectionProcessor">


      <!-- Allows identifying devices at runtime based on configuration properties | use one or more to identify a device -->

      <Identifier name="Name">RFD8500123</Identifier>

      <Identifier name="Type">Classic-BR/EDR</Identifier>



      <!-- Default Transmit power index -->

      <Param name="TPI">270</Param>

      <!-- Session number to use for inventory operation-->

      <!-- Use 0 for S0, 1 for S1, 2 for S2 and 3 for S3-->

      <!-- S2 - will read each tag once only-->

      <Param name="Session">2</Param>

      <!-- Inventoried flag of each session can be set to A,B or AB Flip-->

      <Param name="InventoryState">A</Param>

      <!-- Indicates whether matching Tags ASSERTED, DEASSERTED or ALL -->

      <Param name="SelectedFlag">All</Param>

      <!-- An estimate of the tag population in view of the RF field of the antenna-->

      <Param name="TagPopulation">100</Param>

      <Param name="RFModeTableIndex">0</Param>

      <Param name="Tari">0</Param>



  <StreamProcessor type="ZebraStreamProcessor">


      <!-- Specify file name to be used for scan rule-->




  <MessageProcessor type="ZebraSDKMessageProcessor">

    <!-- The following messages represent the various ranges that can be controlled via the UI | these are outbound -->

    <Message type="Outbound" name="Range" value="300" />

    <Message type="Outbound" name="Range" value="270" />

    <Message type="Outbound" name="Range" value="100" />



  1. Click on the Save button to save the rule.



  1. If you see that the values being scanned have too many or too few characters, try adjusting the length or position values of the RFID config accordingly.
  1. Sometimes the Zebra Android device needs to be taken out of the trigger cradle by lifting the device up from the bottom device & pulling out and putting back into the cradle by angling in top slightly downward at top of the device into the cradle, then press bottom down flat into the cradle  - to make the yellow scan icon to start working again - like if device times out.
  2. Sometimes it helps to restart the device by holding down turn off button in the top of the device, then select 'Restart'. In the device tap on the Settings - Apps  - AssetCloud  - Storage  - select Clear Cache and reopen AssetCloud. Then follow the steps below:
  1. If the White scanner icon in the device is not changing to yellow on tapping - Close the AssetCloud application and reopen it. Login again and go to the Transaction screen (example - Check Out), and try to scan the Asset Tag again.
  2. After updating Scan Parse Configuration on the web. Login to Android Application. Download the database info. Select the RFID rule. In case the latest scan parsing changes are not reflecting, then follow the below step:


Also, refer to the following topics for more details:

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)

RFID Configuration

Scan Parsing Configuration